Bits & Spurs – November 2020
November 1, 2020Contributed by Laura Cannon
Rose Valley Ranch Reduction Sale, conducted at the ranch in Weatherford by Western Bloodstock Ltd. September 25, sold 63 head averaging $42,575. Bidding started out with Special Nu Kitty, a High Brow Cat daughter carrying a Rollz Royce embryo and selling for $285K. The day’s top seller was Catty Hope, a seven-year-old bringing $625K.
Stock Horse of Texas hosted a big show September 25-26 in Bryan. All-around champions included Ben Baldus (Open/Seven S Woodrow/Jimmy Ward), Brianna Parnell (L1-Open/Cougar Deere 316), Emalee Hoffman (Non-Pro/SB Miss Queenie), Johnathan Yarbrough (Ltd-NP/Balanced Catalyst), Michelle Eiland (Intermediate/Hickorys Kitty Cat), Tracy Lynn Johnson (Novice/Code Name Yankee), Mason Elliot (Youth/The Fletcherator), Charlee Piggott (N-Y/Skeeters Dun It Gold), and Taylor Peters (Jr/Mark Him A Mobster/Dominic & Casey Muzzi).
Ultimate Calf Roping hosted competition in Hamilton, September 26-27. Saturday’s average winners were Steve Slack (#15/57.29-on-3), V.W. Grable (#13/45.87-on-3), Larry Mikel (#12/40.48-on-3), Cavalry Norris (#11/34.82-on-3), Zane Kelly (#10/32.31-on-3), Kadin Babb (#9/31.34-on-3), and K.C. Gail Churchill (Handicap-Breakaway/8.48-on-3). Sunday’s average champs were Gary Vannoy (#15/56.92-on-3), Ronnie Cunningham (#13/47.01-on-3), James Troutman (#12/37.08-on-3), Brandon Curtis (#11/32.32-on-3), Logan McCullough (#10/32.0-on-3), Robert Mathis (#9/29.40-on-3), and Donnelle Kvenild (Handicap-Breakaway/8.73-on-3).
The Carter Robertson Memorial Roping, held October 2-3 in Stephenville, paid out $208,960! Average winners included Colby Lovell/Douglas Rich (Open/32.06-on-5), Douglas Rich/Tyler Larson (#15.5/28.47-on-4), Dalton Sheridan/York Gill (#14.5/25.66-on-4), Truman Magnus/Andrew Storey (#13.5/29.41-on-4), Cash Ripple/Gary Campos (#12.5/30.41-on-4), Wyatt Howell/Cooper Robertson (#11.5/29.04-on-4), Ricky Brooks/Alfonso Gonzalez (#10.5/38.94-on-4), Todd Goforth/Skylar Southerland (#9.5/36.0-on-4), and Andy Stevens/Wyatt Willeford (#8.5/40.34-on-4).
Mike White’s annual Pasture Roping and Benefit, held October 2-3 in DeKalb, paid out $105K! Martha Angelone won the pasture breakaway average with 14.16 on 3. Jake Cooper Clay and Rance Doyal’s 44.15 on 4 head won the Open team roping average, while the overall fast time in the Open was 8.96 from Cody Snow and Ross Ashford.
The 2nd annual Jerry White Memorial Speed Show, held October 3 at Woodlawn Ranch Arena, Lonoke, AR, drew over 300 entries and raised over $1,300 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association! Ella Mae Busby won the trophy saddle. Hannah Berryman’s time of 11.683 won her the pee-wee speed championship. Rick Lovelace won the open flags 1D average with 7.418.
Lost Horizon Ranch, Bryan, hosted the first of its fall horse show series on October 3, a day that resulted in lots of fun plus high-point champions Joslyn Delgado (10&U), Jadie Dawson (11-15), and Carla Carfora (16&O). The second show of the series was held October 17, when high-point champions Joslyn Delgado (10&U), and Carla Carfora (16&O).
Zia Roping Productions’ USTRC event, held October 3 in Radium Springs, NM, paid out $12,400. Average champs were Will Hooper and Luis Iglesias (#11/32.33-on-4) and Gabriel Gamboa and Edgar Silva (#9.5/31.6-on-4).
Capitol Area QHA hosted an open all-breed classic show October 3 and 4 at Bell County Expo Center, Belton. Saturday’s western classes resulted in high-point champions Clair Busa (10&U/Rolex Smokin), Katherine Smith (18&U/Cotton Candy Machine), Kathy Lee (19&O/Terriffic Lee Hot), Emma Wenzel (WT-18&U/Im Colored By Charly), and Emma Connor (WT-19&O/Invested By The Sons). High-point champions from Sunday’s English classes included Riley Cooperrider (10&U/Bold River), Laci Heiner (18&U/Chase The Frost Away), Kathy Lee (19&O/Terriffic Lee Hot), Sienna Lemanna (WT-18&U/Charismatic Proposal), and Holly Block (WT-19&O/Zippos Rocker). Sabine Lazo netted $500 as winner of the Don Blazer Scholarship Trail Class, with Emma Sharp taking second and $300 and Regan Jennings third and $200.

Faren Anderson won the futurity longe line title at OBHA’s Riding In The Pink show in Claremore October 3-4, and Kristofer Revard proudly held her placard.
Oklahoma Buckskin Horse Association’s all-breed Riding in the Pink show, held in Claremore October 3-4, offered a bit of everything! Hudson Luessenhop won the chili cookoff, and Ava Smith had the winning decorated pumpkin. Eddie Harrison had the winning raffle ticket for a 50-inch smart Samsung television. Jamie Phillips and Mangum Full of Macho won the Jackpot Ranch Rail. Walk-trot buckle challenge champs were Morgan Grammer (Youth/Beyond a Cowboy) and Janice Sissek (Adult/I Only Date Babes). Futurity champions were FSF Blazing Legacy (Ylg-Mare/Monte Lanoy), Big Kiddin Kid (Ylg-Stallion-or-Gelding/Charles & Linda Cline/Amber Wright), Serious Kidder (Wnlg-Colt/Charles & Linda Cline/Stephen Wright), Johnniesgota45 (2&3YO-Snaffle-Bit/Annie Hobrock/Britney Taylor-Buchs), Best Ride Yet (Longeline/Faren Anderson), and Saw How Dynamic (Ylg-Challenge/Sam & Anita Westfall/Sam Westfall).
Ultimate Calf Roping competition, held in Hamilton, October 10, yielded average winners Bob Bailey (#15), J.W. Hutson (#13), Steve Kolle (#12), Rendon Powledge (#11), Ace Reese (#10), and Jimmy Jumper (#9).
Central Texas Barrel Racing Association’s year-end finals was held October 10-11 in Llano. The weekend’s winners include Biloxi Shultz (Saturday/CTR Sun N Cee/15.457) and Ashley Alligood (Sunday/RB Bullys Indian Outlaw/15.224). Year-end award winners included Hayle Gordon (Open-All-Around plus Poles), Maggie Upton (Open), Kylie Wyatt (Youth), and Susan Richardson (Senior). Young twins Hayden and Brayden Gordon finished as Pee Wee Champion and Reserve.
Jared Lesh NCHA Cuttings, Whitesboro, hosted its last shows for this year October 16 and 17. Immediately afterward, Jared began the conversion of his arena to an enclosed, air-conditioned and heated arena! He is also constructing a new warm-up arena behind the enclosed building, and that will include a flagwork area.
The CC5D Barrel Race Finals, held October 17-18 at Lone Star Arena, Stephenville, paid out $22,922. Open 1D champs included Miranda Emmert on Prime Time Tres (Saturday/15.515) and Kelly Allen on Miss JB 165 (Sunday/15.548).
Oklahoma Pinto Horse Association’s Red Dirt Classic, held October 17-18 at Riverbend Arena, Inola, OK, had something for everyone! Youth Eli Foxx and Amateur Brooke Lewis each won lifetime association memberships! Pinto HPs included Ella Kate Herman (WT-10&U/Diversified Times), Caroline Herman (13&U/Suddenly Sophisticated), Chole Turpin (14-18/Skyfall Sensation), Kimberly Hamil (Nov-Am/Only The Hottest), Jordan Miller-Jones (Amateur/Big Time Fancy), and Laura Winfield (Am-WT/Bad Intentions). All-breed HPs were Chloe Turpin (13&U), Caroline Herman (13&U-WT/Skyfall Sensation), Jamie Sissek (Adult-WT/I Only Date Babes), Debbie Sementi (Adult/Invitation To Zip). Mule HPs were Carrie Moodie (Open & Amateur/Dip A Daisy) and Aubrey Walters (Youth/LVF How Do You Like Me Now), and high-point donkey was Aubrey Walters (Open/LV Grace Under Fire).
Texas Rose Horse Park, Tyler, was the site of the NTHJC Fall Fun Show October 17-18. Winners included Anna Hadowsky ($500-NTHJC Hunter Derby/Cora), Tracy Fenney ($25K Fall Fun Grand Prix/MTM Reve du Paradis), Sue Takata ($5K USHJA National Hunter Derby/Happenstance), and Natalee Hagan ($5K 1.25-M Jumper Classic/MTM Cravitz).
The Brown Ranch 6-Header, a USTRC event held October 18 in Carbon, paid out $61,500. Champs included Jacky Brown/Hayden Sanders (#8.5/57.39-on-4), Kipp Harrell/Samson Jackson (#14.5/55.66-on-6), Heath Hardman/Taylor Mitchell (#12.5/56.3-on-6), and Tyler Tryan/Braylon Tryan (#10.5/65.44-on-6).
Western LA Barrel Racers Association’s October 18 competition in Springhill drew7 riders in Group 3, 11 in Group 2, 6 in Group 1, 13 in Pee Wee, and 30 in 3D, some from as far away as Atlanta, TX!

Jamie Grezaffi, Jeffery Barnes, and Charlotte Robillard won the #15 HC 3-Man 2-Gate division October 24 at South Louisiana Team Sorting Association’s show at Port Allen Arena.
South Louisiana Team Sorting Association’s October 24 event at Port Allen Arena drew 229 teams! Winners included Theresa Guidry/Jeffery Barnes/Tara Wilson (#14), Jamie Grezaffi/Jeffery Barnes/Charlotte Blanchard (#15-HC-3Man 2Gate), Chelsea Mitchell/Brad Alexander (#10 HC Ranch), Ken Marks/Tammie Robillard (#6 HC Ranch), and Kira Calvert/Brianna Clack (Youth).
The AQHA has modified its 2020 Awards Celebration, to protect attendees. That Celebration recognizes the previous year’s high-point exhibitors and professionals, and for the past two years has been held during the World Show. The 2019 year-end high-point award recipients will be recognized this year with a special video which will premier during the World Show, which is scheduled for November 2-21 at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. The video will also be shared via Facebook. Award winners will be able to receive their awards during the corresponding Level 3 class awards during the World Show and also be showcased on the AQHA website.
The National Reined Cow Horse Association recently announced the hiring of Anna Morrison, Amarillo, as its Executive Director. She starts that position on December 1.
Arkansas Quarter Horse Association’s “Go South for the Winner” show, scheduled for December 4-5 at Four States Fair Grounds, Texarkana, AR, offers SIX judges and is the first show of the 2020-2021 season. fmi, www.arkansasquarterhorse.com.
Braggin’ rights!
Hope Miller and Dustin Mills were married September 4 in Scottsdale, AZ. Before their marriage, they lived a while in Washington State but have relocated. Dustin is a reined cow horse trainer with extensive background in NCHA, NYCHA, and NRCHA, and now Dustin Mills Performance Horses is located at 27607 Copper Lane, Burneyville, OK 73430 (in the Marietta area). He is taking in outside horses and can be contacted at 832.600.1695. Hope know her share about the horses, having won the 2018 NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Non-Pro Championship on the Dual Smart Rey mare Seven S Prettysmart.

Miley Adkins and Only In Hollywood earned the Youth 11&U HP titles at both the Arizona Fall Championship show and the Pinnacle Circuit September 25 – October 4 in Scottsdale, AZ.
Miley Adkins, Nugent, and Only In Hollywood earned the Youth 11&U high-point titles at the Arizona Championship Show and the Pinnacle Circuit September 25-October 4 in Scottsdale, AZ. She continued on a roll after getting home. At the Remuda Quarter Horse Fall Show in San Angelo October 9-11, Miley won first place and $400 in the NSBA Youth All-Ages Western Pleasure class.
Cheryl Barron, Lockhart, and Mister Hawk Bar’s 15.035 won the Open 1D at Barrel Racing Association of Texas’s September 27 event at Somervell County Expo Center in Glen Rose.
Anna Marie Egusquiza and Bobby Joe Hill won the #10.5 average with 38.88 on 4 head at the Xtreme Tuesday Night USTRC roping in Stephenville September 29.
Colleen Johnson, Navasota, and Nite Prowler won the $5K-Novice-Non-Pro circuit award October 3 and 4 at the Michelle Lynn Holsey Foundation Cutting in Bryan.
Nick Pernokas, Stephenville, received first place in the 2020 Mini-Short Screen Play division October 4, at the Wild Bunch Film Festival, the largest showcase of all Western films, in Willcox, AZ. His entry, “Take Out”, was a western horror screen play.
Jonathan Rogers, Rockdale, had a good day October 9 at Tres Amigos CHA’s show in Gonzales. He won the Derby Open on CR Tuff Tempest for Judy Rogers, the Open on Spoonfulla Cat for Judy Rogers, and the $5K-Novice-Horse on USS Tucker for Sweet Blessings Ranch!
Carla Carfora, Hempstead, won the title of Miss Pasadena Livestock Show and Rodeo on October 10, and will later compete for Miss Texas.

Racce Morris rode Cow Magnet to win the junior youth McDonald’s Shootout and trophy saddle at the ACHA World Show in Belton October 17, and Josey Sikorkski was proud for him and the gelding both.
Racce Morris, Victoria, won the junior-youth McDonald’s Shootout and trophy saddle at the ACHA World Show in Belton, Texas, October 17. He was mounted on Cow Magnet, owned by Laney and Trent Bell.
Robert Fuentes, Brenham, won the Hall of Fame cutting October 17 at the ACHA World Championship Show in Belton.
Cowtown Cat, owned by JB Cattle and ridden by Joey Blann, Hampton, AR, won the 4-Year-Old Non-Pro both days at River City Cutting Horse Association’s October 17-18 event in West Monroe, LA.

Addison Russell and Sugarbrook Blue Monday “Beau” earned the Weekend Hunter Division championship at the Great Southwest Monster Mash in Katy, TX, October 17
Addison Russell, Navasota, competed at the Great Southwest Monster Mash in Katy October 18. It was her first show over fences with Sugarbrook Blue Monday “Beau” and she finished as champion of the Weekend Hunter Division. That was icing on the cake for her, since she had just celebrated her 13th birthday on the 16th!
Sydnee Carter, Weatherford, won the 1D at Wild West Promotions’ October 22 event in Cleburne, with 15.671 on Frenchmans Royal.
Jonathan Rogers, Rockdale, won both open aged events at Bluebonnet Cutting Horse Association’s October 23 event in Brenham. He won the Futurity Open on Brad Buckley’s Reysin High Browns and the Derby Open on West End Cat, owned by Sweet Blessings Ranch.
Whitney Hicks, Huntsville, and Catari Rey won the $2K Limited Rider competition October 24 at the Bluebonnet Cutting Horse Association show in Brenham.

Crystall Bradley and Two Timin Sinsation won the Green Horse high-point award at MTQHA’s open Spook-Tack-Ular show in Belton October 24-25.
Crystall Bradley, Killeen, and Two Timin Sinsation won the Green Horse high-point at Midtex Quarter Horse Association’s open Spook-Tack-Ular show at Bell County Expo in Belton October 24-25.
William Kent Courson, Perryton, died September 23 on his ranch. In recent years, a big part of his time was spent riding in cutting horse competitions. He lifetime NCHA earnings exceeded $128K.
Autumn Boon, one of the all-time leading NCHA Dams, was euthanized September 28 due to age-related laminitis. The 1994 mare had lifetime earnings of $258,184 and was 1998 NCHA Super Stakes Open Champion plus NCHA Super Stakes Classic Open Champion the next year. Most currently her offspring have earned in excess of $1.9 million. Manion Ranch has managed “Boonie” for the past 20 years for owner Karen Freeman.
Smart Mate, a 1990 stallion by Smart Little Lena, was euthanized October 14 due to problems from old age. He was owned by Pat Fitzgerald, Paoli, OK, and had so far sired 396 NCHA money earners of over $8M. 🎠