Get Effective Digital Marketing Services

Stay ahead of the competition with effective digital marketing solutions from SouthWest Horse Trader. With 24 years of experience in the industry, our team can help you create cost-effective marketing campaigns. Contact us today to learn more.
Banner Advertising

- Site: Small: 125 pixels square; Square: 300 wide x 250 pixels high; Long Rectangle: 1200 wide by 200 pixels high
- Resolution: 72 dpi
- Description: Nothing looks flashier than a well-placed banner ad on our site. Add a Long Rectangle banner to go across the top of our page or a Square or Small to appear down the right side. 3-month minimum commitment. Up to four animated screens permitted.
E-Blast Campaigns

- Site: 600 wide and up to 1000 pixels high
- Resolution: 300 dpi
- Description: e-blast campaigns, 6,000+ subscribers; Your ad in front of thousands of loyal SWHT fans as an exclusive e-blast to our opt-in only list; Your ad is hot linked to your website and includes any information desired.
Video Business Cards
- Site: 30 second video in Vimeo or YouTube format
- Description: Send us a 30 second video telling us about your company, a product or a service.
Video Customer Marketing
- Site: Marketing video
- Description: Share a product or service marketing video, a how-to video or even a testimony video.
Social Marketing

- Site: n/a
- Description: Whether we are sharing your social posts on our page or creating custom posts for you to run on our pages, we work diligently to market your products and services with 12,500+ SouthWest Region Social Media followers over Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Linked-In accounts.