Reiner Fred Berschauer Joins Prime Performance Nutrition Team

May 24, 2010 Off By Roberta Johnston

Prime Performance Nutrition would like to welcome Kansas professional horseman and champion reiner Fred Berschauer to the Prime Performance Team. Specializing in training reining futurity and derby horses, Berschauer is an excellent addition to the proud supporters of Prime Performance Nutrition.

Berschauer began using Prime Performance Nutrition products a little over six months ago. Starting three horses on Maxum HA, a hyaluronic joint support supplement, he noticed results within 30 to 60 days.

“My futurity horses showed improvement and I could tell that it made their joints and body feel better. The product proved a point and I really liked it,” says Berschauer.

After running this trial, he began using Maxum HA on all eight of his three-year-olds. His next step to ensure the health of his horses in training, was to start a two-year-old on Junior Cal-FLX, a version of Maxum HA ideal for young horses prone to developmental deficiencies.

“We feel that by adding these supplements to our feeding schedule, it benefits the balance of our whole program. The products prove themselves and we plan on adding additional Prime Performance Nutrition supplements such as UlcerX, BioGold Plus and Calm-B for a complete feeding program,” says Berschauer.

For more information on Fred Berschauer, visit To check out the Prime Performance Nutrition products he uses including Maxum HA, visit .

About Prime Performance Nutrition

With PPN you’ll provide your performance horses with the best nutrition possible. Plus, with the company’s continuing research, you can feel confident that your horses are receiving quality, technologically-advanced equine supplements. PPN uses only certified ingredients and rigorously tests its products. The products are tested in worldwide markets to make sure horse owners can easily use the products and see results. In addition to guaranteeing ingredients and testing, PPN is committed to working with international government agencies and organizations such as the National Animal Supplement Council (NASC) to follow new supplement regulations. For more information on PPN and their products, visit