Trail Corral puts horse safety and ease of use first

December 6, 2009 Off By Roberta Johnston

Trail-Corral-3x5-300dpi-cropTrail Corral puts horse safety and ease of use first with its new Portable Stall &Corral system. (NOTHING COMPARES)

Trail Corral has recently introduced the first portable corral system that mounts to your trailer and eliminates common problems found with other systems. Our innovations provide for the maximum in horse safety while boasting a 2 minute one person set-up time. The revolutionary all steel 12′ panels make up the heart of the system while the patented hinge system allows them to be swung into place with ease.

Even unlevel ground will not hinder the corral from performing properly due to the fully adjustable legs. Horse owners can now have peace of mind on the road or attending events, shows, and trail rides.

Trail Corral is also a priceless addition to your trailer in times of fire and weather evacuations.

Great for other types of livestock as well like cattle, lamas and alpacas.

We ask that you help us get the word out about Trail Corral because we believe it to be a necessary part of all horses’ well-being whether it’s at a show or on the trail. If you would like to speak to us further you may contact Ron K. at (336)783-7061 or Lisa (336) 710-7579 [email protected] or visit us online at