Advertise in Our Award-Winning Publication

If your business caters to the competitive horse scene, SouthWest Horse Trader is your destination for your advertising efforts. We reach equestrian audiences all across Southwestern United States with monthly printed issues.
We’re horse enthusiasts like you, and we understand the horse show and competition scene. We do more than just print your ad — we market your company so that you reach new customers. We don’t just want to run your current advertising campaign, we want to run your next one and so forth. We’re proud of our repeat advertisers and look forward to you joining them!
We Get the Word Out

For an easy, affordable way to reach horse businesses and owners, SouthWest Horse Trader is the obvious choice.
- SouthWest Horse Trader is the leading all-breed publication serving the SouthWest Region. We have an impressive rate of repeat business and are highly sought after by readers
- SouthWest Horse Trader is proud of its professional staff, who are not only horse owners, but are also accomplished breeders and competitors with experience in Dressage, Hunter / Jumpers, Hunter Under Saddle, Cutting, Reining, Western Pleasure, Trail, Roping, Working Cow Horse, Halter and Driving-both on the Open and Breed Circuit(s)! We understand the horse business and can fulfill your needs
- SouthWest Horse Trader features original, relevant articles and award-winning news coverage. With over two decades dedicated to serving the needs of the equestrian community, we continue to grow your business along with ours
- SouthWest Horse Trader boasts the largest classified and event section in the Region.
2022 Editorial Calendar

- January – Stallion Showcase
- February – Breeders Issue
- March – Farm, Ranch and Real Estate Feature
- April – Tack and Apparel Showcase
- May – Transportation and Vacation
- June – Feed and Stable Feature
- July – Training Issue
- August – Health and Nutrition Feature
- September – Youth Feature Issue
- October – Amateur Feature Issue
- November – Marketplace and Gift Guide
- December – Stallion Preview
- Insertion orders due 5th of previous month.
- Materials due 10th of previous month.
- Classifieds & Traders due 15th of previous month
Subject to change, please call to confirm or visit for more info.
Advertising Quick Facts

- Distribution: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico
- Frequency: Monthly
- Cover Price: Free
- Location: Tack shops, feed stores, and trailer and barn dealerships. Also, free at major horse competitions and shows.
- Subscription Rate: $37 – First Class $19 – Third Class
- Publisher: Equine Publishing Concepts, Inc
- Established in 1988
- Texas Owned, Operated & Printed
- Print AND Digital Edition at ONE price!

Whether it’s award-winning articles, great graphic design, or excellent value for your marketing dollar, when advertising with SouthWest Horse Trader you’re in good hands!
We offer a display advertising for any budget. Whether you choose a full page or a one-eight page, your ad is also accessible online to our thousands of monthly website visitors, at no extra charge!
Advertisers in the printed edition are included in the digital online edition of the publication FREE! All web addresses in the digital editions are “live” links. The digital edition is prominently displayed on SWHT’s home page AND archive.
Regardless of your Display ad size, we offer FREE* Benefits to Contracted Monthly Advertisers!
- 1 FREE exclusive e-blast campaigns, 6,000 subscribers ($125 value)
- FREE Facebook mentions and Twitter posting as required ($50 value)
- 1 FREE banner ad on website ($100/month x 12 = $1200 value)
- Complimentary editorial coverage as appropriate
- FREE ad design and FREE web linking on digital editions
* Advertiser responsible for providing materials for bonus electronic campaigns.
Additional Rates & Services
Directories and Classifieds
Arranged by category, these sections offer readers an easy way to find your product or service. Because the sections are economically priced, restrictions do apply to layout and design. No agency commissions or discounts are given. The SouthWest Horse Trader reserves the right to edit for clarity and/or to meet word-count limits.
Photo & Business Classifieds, Directory of Services, and Stallion Directory Ads are designed for maximum readability and are similar in format. All type and logos appear in black and ads will contain no screens or reverses. Scans and production charges are included in prices. The publisher will determine typeface.
Traders (Photo Classifieds) – Available for Horses, Businesses, and Real Estate!
The Photo Classifieds section offers an economical way to advertise with a photograph in a business card sized space. A 25-word limit applies.
Email [email protected] to advertise your classifieds. Submit 25 words, attach photo and include contact information.
Color Photo $40/Month; Black & White Photo $25/Month
Business Card Ads
The Directory of Services section offers the breeder, trainer, or commercial advertiser an economical way to promote their business. Black and White scans are included in the price. No stallion or horse for sale ads will be placed in this section. Multiple runs must be pre-paid in full.
Email [email protected] to advertise your business card. Attach card and include contact information.
Prices: 1 Issue: $25; 3 Issues: $70; 6 Issues: $125; 12 Issues: $250
Stallion Directory Ads
This section offers stallion owners an affordable place to advertise their stallion with a four-color or black and white photograph and a brief description. One stallion may be featured per ad. Additional stallions may be listed by name only and are included in the 30-word limit.
Email [email protected] to advertise your stallion. Submit 30 words including your stallions registered name, attach photo and include contact information.
Prices: Color $50/month; Black & White $30/month
Classified Ads
Do you have a horse, product or service that you would like to run in a classified format? Ad cost is $5 for the first 3 lines (approx 26 characters/spaces per line) and $2.50 for each additional line. Classifieds may be boxed and centered for $2.50 per line. All ads must be pre-paid.
Email [email protected] to advertise your classifieds. Send category, ad text and phone number and include contact information.
Miscellaneous Services and Prices:
- Ad Design – The SouthWest Horse Trader can design your ad for 15% of the reserved space rate. Photo scans are included with the production charges. See Production Guidelines for details.
- Special Placement Requests – Will be accommodated at the publisher’s discretion and may be subject to an additional 10% of the space charge.
- Inserts – Please call your account representative for pricing.