07/21/14 Texas Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) Update
Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) ANNOUNCEMENT July 21, 2014 Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) in Texas Update On July 18, the Texas…
Serving Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana and New Mexico
Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) ANNOUNCEMENT July 21, 2014 Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) in Texas Update On July 18, the Texas…
July 08, 2014Â Â Vesicular Stomatitis (VS) has been detected in two head of cattle in South Texas, five miles northwest…
The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) has designated Kleberg County (South Texas) equine (horses, mules, zebras, etc.) at high risk…
From the Montgomery Co Police Reporter: http://main.montgomerycountypolicereporter.com/?p=61247 Late Tuesday afternoon Montgomery County Precinct 4 Deputies were contacted by a Houston…
Contributed by Mongomery Co Police Reporter (story link http://main.montgomerycountypolicereporter.com/?p=61161) Anita Lee, the owner of Kat’s Trophy, a paint mare stolen…
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