“Share the Light” continues to create great partnerships
December 19, 2012MJ Equine Tools, Inc., inventor of the Illuminated Hoof Pick, is pleased to announce their latest “Share the Light” giveaway partner, EasyCare, Inc. The giveaway begins January 1st and is free to enter, and one Lucky Winner will receive the following great products:
* EasySoaker, the perfect soaking boot from EasyCare, Inc.
* Illuminated Hoof Pick from MJ Equine Tools, Inc.
The Perfect Soaking Boot

The EasySoaker is perfect for a variety of applications where protection or treatment of the hoof is required:
* Soaking and poulticing
* Conditioning
* Providing a clean, protected environment
* Holding medication at wound site
* Weight transfer (heel or toe)
* Reducing concussion
With so many applications, the EasySoaker is a must-have in any tack room. As with any hoof or leg related injury, consult your veterinarian or hoof care professional for diagnosis and treatment recommendations. http://www.easycareinc.com/our_boots/easy_soakers/EasySoakers.aspx#

EasyCare, Inc:
What began in 1970 with the invention of the Easyboot has since grown into a full line of hoof boots and natural hoof care products that protect the hoof, allow horses to cover rough terrain, act as a spare tire in case of a lost shoe and aid in the treatment of laminitis and other hoof problems. EasyCare’s hoof boot brands include the Easyboot, Easyboot Glove, Easyboot Glue-On, Boa Horse Boot, Old Mac’s and EasySoaker.
The Illuminated Hoof Pick works just like a traditional hoof pick, but with the handy feature of a light built into the handle that shines a bright beam into the hoof, right where you need it for effective and thorough hoof cleaning. There is a pick, a brush and a light, all attached to a comfortable handle. The light turns on with a click of the push button on the side of the handle. The light helps you see stone bruises, thrushy spots and other problems more efficiently. Giveaway entries must be received by 1/31/2013 at 11:59 p.m. CST .
Don’t delay! For information on the giveaway or the Illuminated Hoof Pick from MJ Equine Tools, Inc. please visit Facebook and click on “Enter to Win” or go to www.MJEquineToolsInc.com.