Saddlebred Board Endorses Welfare Code of Practice

July 19, 2010 Off By Roberta Johnston

At the most recent meeting of the American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) Board of Directors, members decided to formally endorse the American Horse Council’s (AHC) Welfare Code of Practice.

Also supported by many other breed associations and organizations, this Welfare Code of Practice states, “The horse industry is committed to the safety, health, care and welfare of all horses and to always ‘Put the Horse First’.” Organizations already supporting the Code include the American Quarter Horse Association, National Thoroughbred Racing Association, United States Dressage Federation, and United States Equestrian Federation, to name a few.

The Code addresses equine welfare and responsible care, by supporting a uniform Code of Practice regarding responsible breeding, training, competing, care, use, enjoyment, health, transportation, and retirement of horses, and by initiating communication regarding such issues, not only within the equine community, but with the public, the media, and federal and state officials.

As stated therein, ASHA, AHC and other organizations supporting this Welfare Code of Practice are “Committed to the principle that the welfare and safety of the horse is the guiding principle in the decision-making process for all owners, service providers, organizations, events and activities.”

To view the Welfare Code of Practice in its entirety, visit the ASHA website,

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