Donkeys: Miniature, Standard, and Mammoth

February 13, 2010 Off By Roberta Johnston

A Veterinary Guide for Owners and Breeders


Trafalgar Square Books is pleased to announce the publication of Donkeys: Miniature, Standard, and Mammoth by Dr. Stephen R. Purdy. This essential manual for all donkey owners and breeders, as well as veterinary students, is the one book that covers: how donkeys differ from horses and mules—genetically, anatomically, and medically; donkey behavior—when handling, feeding, training, breeding, and treating; basic nutritional needs, including energy sources, vitamins, minerals and hydration; diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal parasites; infectious disease control and biosecurity for herds and farms; management of the digestive tract, plus special sections on liver disease and colic; lameness diagnosis, with a focus on joint disease and laminitis; reproduction, including ultrasound procedure and artificial insemination (AI); castration—why, how, and when; and care of the pregnant jennet, foaling, lactation, and foal development.

“We highly recommend that everyone who deals with donkeys in any capacity—from pet or rescue, to breeding and veterinary work—buy this book and read it carefully.” —Paul and Betsy Hutchins, Founders, The American Donkey and Mule Society

Dr. Stephen R. Purdy received his DVM degree in 1981 from the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. He is Associate Professor of Veterinary Education, Director of Camelid Studies, and Director of the Fund for Education and Research in Large Animal Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He is also the director of the Camelid Reproduction Center at UMass Amherst. Dr. Purdy’s special interests include reproduction, neonatal care, nutrition, and infectious diseases, as well as the preventive medicine aspect of the management of livestock. He is involved in practical research and educational projects that promote improvement of farm animal health, and he emphasizes a hands-on practical approach to caring for livestock, while keeping their environment as stress free and natural as possible.

Dr. Purdy is committed to teaching practical large animal subjects to undergraduate and graduate students, and to helping undergraduate students gain admittance to veterinary school in preparation for a career as a large animal veterinarian. Donkeys have been a special interest of his since he first worked on one in 1995. “If you are having a bad day,” he says, “spend some time hanging out with a donkey.”

168 pp · 7 x 10 ½ · 64 color photos, 16 charts & illustrations · 978 1 57076 418 9 · $26.95 hc


Note: Sections of this book may be appropriate for reprint as FREE excerpts in print and online publications. High res jacket images are also available.

For more information or to request a review copy, contact [email protected].

To order contact: Trafalgar Square Books, Box 257, Howe Hill Road, N. Pomfret, VT 05053 800.423.4525 ∙