Arabian Horse Association Joins Unwanted Horse Coalition

November 24, 2009 Off By Roberta Johnston

image0021The Unwanted Horse Coalition (UHC) announces their newest member, The Arabian Horse Association (AHA). This brings the UHC member count to thirty.

“The Arabian Horse Association is a wonderful addition to our list of members,” said UHC Chairman Dr. Tom Lenz. “Arabians are involved in all aspects of the horse world, racing showing, recreation and can therefore have are an important effect. We are excited to welcome them to the increasing list of members of the UHC and look forward to working with them on promoting the goals and mission of the Coalition.”

AHA seeks to meet the breeding, competitive and recreational interests of all Arabian horse owners. Founded in 1908, the AHA Registry has registered more than 1 million Arabian, Half-Arabian and Anglo-Arabian horses, ensuring the integrity and perpetuation of the breed. AHA offers over 400 events and competitions and the largest online marketplace and community forums on the web, bringing people together to share the joys of Arabian horse ownership.

The Unwanted Horse Coalition is a broad alliance of equine organizations that have joined together under the umbrella of the American Horse Council. The Coalition’s mission is to reduce the number of unwanted horses and to improve their welfare through education and the efforts of organizations committed to the health, safety, and responsible care and disposition of these horses.

Additional information about the Unwanted Horse Coalition is available by logging on to  or by calling 202-296-4031.

For questions and to learn more about the UHC please e-mail Ericka Caslin at [email protected] or visit the UHC website at .