American Competitive Trail Horse Association Announces Total Health Enhancement Corp. as a Sponsor Member

November 6, 2009 Off By Roberta Johnston

Like-minded goals bring ACTHA and Total Health the all-natural herbal Nutraceutical Company together for the health of our horses and members!

Austin, TX – November 3, 2009 The American Competitive Trail Horse Association and Registry (ACTHA) announced today that Total Health Enhancement Corp. (Total Health), manufacturer of healthcare and performance products for horses utilizing all natural nitric oxide supplements, has become a sponsor member of ACTHA. Each trail ride will receive $300 in gift certificates redeemable for any Total Health product, equine or human! In addition Total Health is giving a $25 gift certificate to all current members of ACTHA as well as new members joining up from this date forward.

“We’re delighted that now our individual members receive $50 in gift certificates for their $25 membership fee!” states Karen VanGetson Co-Founder. “Kinda makes joining a no brainer if you like horses.”

ACTHA’s core mission of recognizing the great American trail horse while showcasing their talent and enabling the humane treatment of horses in need dove-tails with the mission of Total Health which is to provide effective healthy products with no side effects that support the health of horses and humans.

As the public becomes increasingly wary of the side effects of Pharmaceuticals and Herbal Remedies turn out less effective that hoped, the health conscious are turning to the newer technology of Nutraceuticals. Listed as a Clinical Medical Food company, Total Health uses the highest quality ingredients to provide effective solutions to health issues in horses and humans. Some of the equine health issues these products help are gastric ulcers, colic, improved joint function, immune system support, laminitis/founder, stress, wounds and abscesses, pulmonary bleeding, nervous energy, fertility problems and muscle mass building to name a few.

“ACTHA is very excited to provide and introduce our members to Total Health and their quality natural solutions to horse and human health issues,” said Carrie Scrima, ACTHA’s other Co-Founder. “At ACTHA everyone, our wonderful members/riders, our sponsors, and ACTHA!”

For more information on ACTHA visit,  ACTHA is a national phenomenon of casual competitive trail rides all across the USA with the higher cause of feeding starving horses by donating to Horse Rescues. Up to 50% of ACTHA’s proceeds are directly donated to horse charities. This national registry is causing quite a stir with a new way to track the skills of the great American trail horse and elevating the view of this underrated animal, “not JUST a trail horse anymore!”

To visit Total Health’s wonderful line up of Equine and Human products go to