Highest Quality, Affordable, Online Courses on Equine Nutrition and Medical Issues, for Both Owners and Horse Care Professionals
August 3, 2009Highest quality, affordable, online courses on equine nutrition and medical issues, for both owners and horse care professionals.
Eleanor Kellon, VMD, author of Equine Supplements and Nutraceuticals, Horse Journal Guide to Equine Supplements and Nutraceuticals, First Aid for Horses, Keeping the Older Horse Young and thousands of articles on nutrition and medical issues for publications including Horse Journal, John Lyons Perfect Horse, Chronicle of the Horse, Hoofbeats and Equus, is offering online courses at http://www.drkellon.com/ .
NRC Plus is the core nutrition course, builds on the 2007 National Research Council Nutrient Requirements of Horses, and is certified for 90 hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technicians through RACE, the Registry of Approved Veterinary Continuing Education, of the AAVSB, American Association of Veterinary State Boards, www.aavsb.org/RACE/.
However, these courses are true “one room schoolhouses”. Enrollees in NRC Plus have ranged from Ph.D.s in nutrition to high school students. Whether backyard owner, trainer, professional looking for detailed nutrition information – it’s all there. Course material is tiered so that enrollees can get all the information they need to correctly build and balance their horse’s diet from only the course materials, or may explore more detailed research through links. Owners rub shoulders with vets, nutritionists and other professionals in the course discussions and all benefit. Class participants are from all over the globe; USA, Canada, the EU, South America, Russia, Australia, New Zealand.
NRC Plus, as well as all the other courses, have also been accredited by the USDF University, http://www.usdf.org/education/university/index.asp http://www.usdf.org/education/university/index.asp, NRC Plus and Neurological and Muscular disorders are accredited by Equinology, http://www.equinology.com/ , and three courses in addition to NRC Plus are accredited by the Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute, http://www.animalacupressure.com/ .
Courses offer the utmost flexibility, to accommodate busy schedules. Each 10 week course is offered several times a year. The course materials are downloaded to a private online site once a week, where enrollees can download at their convenience. Questions and discussions are posted to a Messages section on the same site. Enrollees may post on any aspect of the course at any time, and are also welcome to sit in on any future runs of the course for no additional fee. The courses teach not only the “what”, but also the “why”, with easy to understand background physiology, anatomy and basic biochemistry as well as up to the minute research findings. Almost 1000 students have passed through NRC Plus since its first run in January 2008, including many graduates who continue to enjoy and learn from the discussions.
Courses offered include:
. NRC Plus
. Nutrition as Therapy
. Nutrition for the Performance Horse
. Cushing’s Disease and Insulin Resistance
. Understanding Bloodwork
. Arthritis and Other Causes of Lameness
. Comprehensive Care of the Older Horse
For further information, including full course outlines and dates, please visit http://www.drkellon.com